New Student Information
Students Living Outside of the Sparta School District
Sparta Area Schools participates in both the Kent Intermediate School District Schools of Choice and the 105c Schools of Choice plans. All students residing within the Kent Intermediate School District may apply for enrollment in any Kent ISD school that has available openings during the advertised time frame. Students who reside in a district that is within a different ISD which borders the Kent ISD, may apply under the 105c plan.
- School of Choice (within Kent County): The School of Choice Application window for the upcoming 24-25 School Year is now open! Please go to the following link to begin your child's ENROLLMENT. You will be prompted to complete the School of Choice form (2024-2025 School of Choice Application).
- 105c (outside of Kent County - must be a contiguous county): The 105c Application window for the 24-25 School Year is now closed.
For the 2024-2025 school year, Sparta Area Schools has 220 total slots available for School of Choice students.
2024-2025 School of Choice Application (WITHIN Kent County open until August 19, 2024)
24-25 School of Choice brochure
Considerations for Families Considering Schools of Choice:
- Transportation is not provided for Schools of Choice/Non-Resident students. Parents or student must provide their own transportation.
- A parent/guardian may bring a SOC student to a specific group stop once they communicate with the transportation department as to which stop would be best.
- Michigan law and KISD Superintendents' Association agree that siblings should be kept together in a single district whenever possible. As a result, siblings of current Choice students may receive preference in filling district openings.
- Special Education students wishing to enroll under Section 105c for whom a cooperative agreement regarding costs cannot be obtained with their district of residence will be refused Schools of Choice.
- Enrollment may also be denied to students who have been suspended, expelled, or convicted of a felony.
- Accepted students must agree to comply with Choice district's policies.
Kindergarten Waiver Requirement
Enrollment age for incoming kindergarten students are as follows:
2024-2025 school year - 5 years old by September 1, 2024
- Exceptions Provided for Enrollment Age:
- Child is not 5 years of age by date above, but will be 5 not later than December 1.
Kindergarten Waiver Request form must be submitted prior to beginning school.
- A school district that receives this written notification may make a recommendation to the parent or legal guardian that the child is not ready to enroll in kindergarten due to the child's age or other factors. However, regardless of this recommendation, the parent or legal guardian retains the sole discretion to determine whether or not to enroll the child in kindergarten.
Once Pre-Registration is completed and accepted, you must fill out Form 9 in the Parent Portal.
Great Start Readiness Program - Free 4-year-old Preschool
The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) is managed by the Kent Intermediate School District. GSRP offers a quality preschool program, nutritious food, family support, health and educational assessments, and accommodations for children with special needs. Sparta's GSRP offers transportation options for most resident students.
GSRP is accepting applications now! Apply at
Questions? Call 616-447-2409
Before and After School Child Care K-5
Located at Appleview Elementary
Phone: 616-887-1449
Sparta Area Schools provides an opportunity for child care for our K-5th grade students. (Kindergarten option: if there is an older sibling in the program your Kindergarten child may attend) Child care is located at Appleview Elementary. Before school program opens at 6:30 am. After school program closes at 6:00 pm.
The program not only provides students with supervision, but enhances their physical, intellectual, social and emotional development. We aim for the following:
- To provide children with safe, loving, relaxed care.
- To provide children with routine, yet have time to explore and engage in creative play.
- To provide an environment that stimulates and challenges children intellectually.
- To develop respect for others and for self.
- To have no child in grades K-5 at home unsupervised.
- To develop a sense of responsibility.
Your child can experience new friendships, fun, learning experiences, crafts, activities, homework help, outdoor activities, science experiments, and nutritional snacks.
Transportation is provided between Appleview and Ridgeview Elementary.
Convenient payment available through district Pay Schools option.
We are a DHS subsidized childcare provider.
Child care is open on most non-traditional school days, space is limited on these days:
- Teacher In-Service/No School Days
- Snow Days/School Delays
- Christmas Break
- Spring Break
*Schedules will vary depending on which day a holiday may fall.
A $40 non-refundable registration fee is due upon enrollment for one child, or you will pay a $60 non-refundable registration fee per family. Billing is monthly. Fees are as follows: Morning care, $6 per child. Afternoon care $9.50 per child. Tuition is charged on the basis of enrollment, not attendance.
For more detailed information regarding this program, click here!
Summer Care
Enrollment is open to children Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Open from 6:30 am until 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Breakfast and afternoon snack provided. Children must bring a sack lunch. Both fun and learning experiences are part of this program including:
- Field Trips
- Crafts
- Outdoor Activities
- Water Fun
- Walks to the Park
- Special Lunches
- Cooking Experiences
- And Many More
The fee is $28 per day/$140 per week. Fees are charged on the basis of enrollment not attendance. For more information please contact Before and After Care at 616-887-1449. Convenient payment available through district Pay Schools option. We are a DHS subsidized childcare provider.
Enrollment Paperwork
Building Information
Sparta Early Childhood Center
Early ChildCare, Head Start, ECSE, GSRP, 3's & 4's Preschool
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Ridgeview Elementary
K - 2nd Grade
8:40 am - 3:55 pm
Appleview Elementary
3rd - 5th Grade
8:30 am - 3:40 p.m
Sparta Middle School
6th - 8th Grade
7:35 am - 2:15 pm
Sparta High School
9th -12th Grade
7:45 am - 2:25 pm
Educational Services
K-12th Grade
7:00 am - 3:30 pm
Sparta Administration Offices
616-887-8253 (Call here for non-resident application questions)
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Phone: 616-887-7359