Special Education
At Sparta Area Schools, a continuum of programs and services are offered for students who qualify for special education. Most of the students attend programs and/or receive services in the local district. Some Sparta students attend programs in neighboring districts to access a full continuum of services based on student need. Sparta has a full diagnostic staff that conducts student evaluations and provides support services to eligible students. The diagnostic team also works with general and special education teachers and parents.
Special Education Services
Speech and Language Therapy
- Following a speech evaluation, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is held to determine if a student is eligible for direct, consult or monitored speech and language services.
Occupational or Physical Therapy
- These services are provided based on goals and objectives on the student's IEP.
School Social Work
- The school social worker provides direct, consulting or monitoring services to students who experience difficulty with social skills, relationships, and/or behavior in the school setting that has direct negative impact on academic skills acquisition. They provide individualized or small group counseling to students. The services are based on the student's IEP.
School Psychology
- The school psychologist conducts comprehensive evaluations on students who are referred through the child study process due to learning and/or behavioral difficulties in the classroom. Written parental permission is required to conduct an evaluation, and the results are discussed with parents and staff at an Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting.
Special Education Program Overview
Sparta Early Childhood Center (Ages 2-5 years)
Early Childhood Home and Community Program - (2-3 years of age). Strong focus on parent involvement which can include a weekly playgroup and a home visit by a certified early childhood teacher.
Early Childhood Special Education Classroom. This program is for 3-5 year old children who have been tested by the early childhood diagnostic team and have been found eligible based on state and federal guidelines. Services are in a school setting and students may attend for four half days per week. The program has a pre-school focus with a strong emphasis on speech and language development and instruction focusing on the student's specific goals and objectives.
Ridgeview Elementary (K - 2nd grades)
Resource Room-Pull out model of instruction and/or inclusion and support in the general education settings. The general education and student goals and objectives are used for instruction.
Moderate Cognitive Impaired Program-Self-contained classroom with a focus on meeting individual needs and basic skills based on student goals and objectives.
Appleview Elementary (3rd - 5th grades)
Resource Room options in Language Arts and/or Math. Students are supported using a combination of services that include both small group interventions outside of their classroom as well as support within the general education classroom using the general education curriculum. which provide support from both general education teacher(s) and a special education teacher, are available at each grade level.
Moderate Cognitive Impaired Program-Self-contained classroom with a focus on meeting individual needs and basic skills. This program uses a life skills curriculum with a focus on Community Based Instruction (CBI).
Sparta Middle School (6th-8th grades)
Resource Room options in Language Arts and/or Math. Students are supported using a combination of services that include both small group interventions outside of their classroom as well as support within the general education classroom using the general education curriculum. which provide support from both general education teacher(s) and a special education teacher, are available at each grade level for Language Arts and/or Math.
Moderate Cognitive Impaired Program-Self-contained classroom with a focus on meeting individual needs and basic skills. This program uses a life skills curriculum with a focus on Community Based Instruction (CBI).
Sparta High School (9th-12th grades)
Resource Room options in all core academic are a using a pull-out instruction model and/or team taught classes. The general education Michigan Merit Curriculum is used.
Mild Cognitive Impaired Program-Uses a life skills application to the general education curriculum and has focus on Community Based Instruction. The students receive a Certificate of Completion.
Moderate Cognitive Impaired Program-Self-contained classroom with a focus on meeting individual needs and basic skills. This program uses a life skills curriculum with a focus on Community Based Instruction (CBI). The students receive a Certificate of Completion.
Special Education Resources
Child Find Notice
Special Education Transportation
Special Education Parent Resources
Destruction of Resources
Sparta Special Education Office
480 S State St
Sparta MI 49345
Main Office: 616-887-7359
Fax Number: 616-887-2086
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 7:30am-4pm
Contact Information:
Erin Kavanagh, Director of Student Services
616-887-7359 ext. 6402
Susan Narvaez, Special Populations Data Coordinator