It is our goal here at Sparta Area Schools to provide your children with a safe and healthy environment in which to learn. Please notify the school as soon as possible of any medical concerns that your child may have. This information will help us meet your child's medical needs here at school. Please understand that this information is kept confidential and shared on a need to know basis only.
Immunization Requirements
Getting your children immunized is an important way to protect their health. In addition, make sure your child receives regular checkups at your doctor's office or local health clinic. It is recommended for parents to keep a record of your child's vaccinations. Parents are required to provide the school with a copy of your child's vaccination record.
Vaccines required for school entry in Michigan:
Any student lacking proof of these vaccines may not be admitted to school unless a valid medical, philosophical, or religious exemption waiver form has been signed at the Health Department and is on file at the school. Parents are required to obtain a new waiver form when their child promotes into DK/Kindergarten, 7th grade, or enrolls in a new public school DISTRICT, charter school, or private school.
Waiver appointments (for philosophical and religious exemptions) are handled by Kent County Health Department. Additionally the Kent County Health Department administers free and/or low-cost vaccines, by appointment, if your student is incomplete.
Kent County Health Department Immunization information:
Please note, parents who opt-out of MICR reporting are required to provide immunization documentation yearly.
The Administration and School Nurse have the authority to exclude children from school if immunization records are not up-to-date and a waiver form is not on file.
Medication Policy
Medication Policy
If your child is required to take medication during the school day, it will be necessary for the medication to be kept and taken in the health office. In January 2024, Sparta Area Schools revised their medication administration policy to align with state law. This medication policy is for ALL medication given at school including prescription AND over-the-counter medication. This policy also applies short-term or single dose medications. The district understands that this is a change from the previous policy, but please understand the State of Michigan requires a physician/provider signature for school staff to administer any medication to your student. (Section 380.1178 of the Michigan School Code).
Please note, no new medications will be accepted without the proper Medication Administration Form on file. Signed forms can be returned to your student's building office via email, fax or hard copy.
All medications must be dropped off by a parent/legal guardian. Students are not permitted to drop off medications. All medications must be received in their original pharmacy container with a current pharmacy label that states student name, medication name, dosage, and time to be administered . Non-prescription medications must also be in its original packaging/container. School staff are not permitted to administer unlabeled medications. The school will not have any over-the-counter medication(pain reliever, creams, lotions, or cough drops) to dispense to students.
Disposal of Medications:
If medication (either prescription or over-the-counter) is sent to school for your child’s use during the school year, we ask that remaining medication be picked up within one week of the last day of school. All medications must be picked up by a parent/guardian. Any medication that is not picked up will be disposed of properly by our school nurse according to district policy.
Medication Administration in School Brochure
Medication Administration Authorization SELF-Administartion/SELF-Possession Form
Wellness Tips
Eating Breakfast
Breakfast is very important to children. According to the American Dietetic Association, children who eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to:
- Concentrate better
- Have better problem-solving skills
- Have better hand-eye coordination
- Be more alert and creative
- Miss fewer days of school
- Be more physically active
Here's what forms the core of a healthy breakfast:
- Whole grains: Whole grain rolls, bagels, hot or cold whole grain cereals
- Low-fat protein: Hard boiled eggs, peanut butter, lean slices of meat and poultry or fish.
- Low-fat dairy: Skim milk, low-fat yogurt and low fat cheeses.
- Fruits and vegetables.
Sparta Area Schools offers breakfast for all students! If you have any questions please contact our Food Service Director: 616-887-1744
How much sleep do your kids need?
Kids are very busy with school, running around with friends, sports and doing homework!
- Ages 3-5 need 12-14 hours of sleep
- Ages 5-10 need 10-11 hours of sleep
- Ages 10-17 need 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep
"Sleep is the power source that keeps your mind alert and calm. Every night and at every nap, sleep recharges the brain's battery. Sleeping well increases brainpower just as weight lifting builds stronger muscles, because sleeping well increases your attention span and allows you to be physically relaxed and mentally alert at the same time. Then you are at your personal best." -Weissbluth MD
Exercise and Sunshine
The majority of children spend 6 hours a day sitting behind a classroom desk when they need exercise and sunshine to build bones and maintain a healthy weight. Discourage videogames and television after school and encourage/support children to spend time outside for sunshine, fresh air, and exercise to enhance overall health.
Sunshine has many benefits including:
- Natural Vitamin D source
- Boosts mood
- Encourages healthy circulation
- Enhances immune system
- Stimulates appetite and improves digestion, elimination, and metabolism
- Tends to clear up different skin disorders (acne, psoriasis, eczema)
When it comes to sunshine don't forget to protect you and your children from both UVA and UVB rays that are known to cause skin damage. If you or your children are in the sun between 10am and 4pm remember to apply and reapply sunscreen to prevent the harmful effects from the sun.
This is a simple thing and it's the best way to prevent infection and illness.
- Wet your hands with running water and apply soap
- Rub hands together to make a lather and scrub all surfaces
- Continue rubbing hands for 15-20 seconds, or sing "Happy Birthday" twice through
- Rinse hands well under running water
- Dry your hands using a paper towel or air dryer. If possible, use your paper towel to turn off the faucet
Head Lice Resources
Head Lice Resources:
In Case of Emergency (ICE)
There is a medical emergency tool being used by Emergency Medical Services (EMS). Please see below to set up Emergency Contacts in your cell phone.
- Go into the contacts portion of your cell phone.
- Enter ICE (In Case of Emergency) in the name portion of your contacts.
- Enter the number(s) of a person(s) that you would want to be contacted in case of emergency.
- Please get your family to do the same.
Again, EMS knows to check your cell phone and will use this tool if you provide it for them. The MERT (Medical Emergency Response Team) members in each of our school buildings can also use this tool in case of emergency at school.
Summer Safety Tips
- Always wear sunscreen while you are outside! Your skin is your first line of defense against infections so you want to keep it as healthy as possible. You can get a sunburn in the shade or in cloudy weather too. It is always better to protect your skin for many health reasons.
- Always wear helmets and protective gear while riding bikes, skateboards, roller blades, etc.
- Always obey the rules of the road while riding your bike. It's very important for you to watch for the cars as well as the cars watching out for you.
- Never swim alone. You should always have a partner while swimming just in case something happens. Even a good swimmer can have an emergency!
Helpful Links
Illness Policy
Sometimes it can be difficult figuring out if your child is ill and contagious enough to be kept home or if they are well enough to be sent to school. Here is a quick checklist to help you make this sometimes difficult decision. Please keep your child home from school if they have any of the following symptoms:
- Fever 100 degrees or higher
- Severe headache or stomachache
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Severe sore throat
- Difficulty breathing
- Persistent cough
- Dizziness or fainting
- Skin eruptions or open sores
- Red and discharging eyes
Please remember that our school policy is your child must be fever free without any fever reducing medication for 24 hours before they may return to school. Additionally, students should have had no episodes of vomiting and/or diarrhea in the past 24 hours before returning to school.
Please notify the school if your child has been diagnosed with or you suspect they have a communicable disease such as chicken pox, impetigo, fifth disease, head lice, pink eye, scabies, strep throat, etc... This allows us to take proper precautions to try to prevent the spread of communicable diseases throughout the school and provide your child with a healthy and safe learning environment.